We know we said Zelikha was BAAAD, but Romane is GANGSTA! Her look seems easy, but the details POP. The short- shorts and tights combo is usually a good-look for women (hint: the trend's hittin' hard in Paris...better get on it!), but she classes it up with the velvet blue coat (do you have one?!), a white blouse and the Parisian staple - the patterned silk scarf. The boots match the purse and voila - a perfectly matching not-too-flashy outfit! The red lipstick is an added touch that adds some SERIOUS gangsta Swagger to Romane, making people (like us) turn heads. This chick will take YOU on ANY DAY! Rock out to her (and these guys') ultimate favorite music band (The Libertines) and buy your OWN pair of trendy (Gap) short-shorts below!
Give 'Em Some Edge - Romane

Previous post: Ah, African-a! - Andrea
Next post: Asian Persuasion! - Yu and Masayoshi
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I'm very proud of people who wears short with tights and boots like she wear ! For me it's a must have, (as much in spring as in winter !)
And i would like to thank Mr. Sian Pierre Regis because thanks to you i know i a fashionable web site who rocks, SWAGGER !
More over your comments under the photos u put are very nice and i like mine 🙂
Good continuation
Lousie, 15
Ps : Sorry, i don't speak a perfect english and just do the best that i can !