Profilin': Antoine - Artist Interview: Jordan pt. 2

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March 4, 2010

in Uncategorized

What inspires your designs?

I'm super inspired by the jungle and by women!  I try to mix all of my inspiration together to create a massive explosion of creativity.  I always design listening to music, whether it's old school or electro-funk or electro-rock. And my characters are never in Nike Dunk sb, but the Reebok pump!

Your Favorite Music?

The following songs are always on repeat:

Jay Dilla- Time: Donuts of the Heart
B.I.G - Big Poppa
Snoop Dogg - Let's Get Blown

But these last few weeks I've been listening to Charlote Gainsbourg' s, my favorite song was 'Elastique.'

You can see more of Jordan's art here.

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