These boys from Paris are hitmakers! Kizda and Jeremy are well-known in the trendsetter crowd for their inspiring creations. Their latest project? Jewelry. Selling under the label Nous Sommes (like their blog), the silver trinkets - molded into the shape of fashion idols like Lady Gaga or Karl Lagerfeld - are meant to add a little pop-spice to your Summer look. Here's an exclusive peek at the upcoming creations! So, when will you pick up your 'little monsters'?
Must-Have: Nous Sommes Jewelry

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }
Wow, these are awesome. I will take them both.
my blog: ♥La Stylin Girraffe♥
I heard about these a while ago, but I don't know where to buy one... any idea?
Hi there, Im really interested in buying one of them chains...I was wondering if you have a "Garfield" cat chain. Plus, I was hoping if you could tell me the price of the chains, and what other sorts of chains you have?
Yours sincerly, Immi.
P.S. COuld you get back to me asap, Thanks.
Hi Immi! Unfortunately, these necklaces are only really available at different concept stores around the globe. Maybe it'd be in your best interest to follow the Nous Sommes guys via their blog and get in contact with them there? Hope that helps!